
ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΙΑΣ : Διάλεξη στο πλαίσιο του Προγράμματος Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών του Τμήματος Αρχιτεκτόνων Μηχανικών “Επαναχρήσεις κτιρίων και συνόλων», Πέμπτη 30.05.2024

Στο πλαίσιο του ΠΜΣ Επαναχρήσεις Κτιρίων και Συνόλων του Τμήματος Αρχιτεκτόνων Μηχανικών του Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλίας,

την Πέμπτη 30/5 στις 19:00 [UTC+3]

στο MS TEAMS θα πραγματοποιηθεί

η διαδικτυακή διάλεξη

με προσκεκλημένη τους Corvino + Multari

στη θεματική της “City Branding and Architecture: The restoration of Pirelli Skyscraper in Milan”.

In the framework of the Master Program Reuse of Buildings and Complexes at the Department of Architecture of the University of Thessaly, on Thursday 30/5 at 19:00  [UTC+3] on MS TEAMS will take place the online lecture from Corvino + Multari on the theme ” City Branding and Architecture: The restoration of Pirelli Skyscraper in Milan”.


Συντονισμός: Fabiano Micocci, UTH

Προσκεκλημένος: Corvino + Multari, IT

Link: https://tinyurl.com/yc87je8c


Giovanni Multari (Cosenza, 1963) graduated from the University of Naples Federico II
(in the academic year 1989-1990), PhD in Urban Design (1997), founded the studio
Corvino+Multari in Naples with Vincenzo Corvino (10 May 1995). He teaches
architectural and urban design and is a lecturer in the Architecture PhD College at the
University of Naples Federico II, Department of Architecture.
His thirty years of activity as an architect is strongly characterised by the coexistence of
university research with design research and construction experience.
His projects include: the Pirelli skyscraper in Milan, the integrated programme of
interventions “i Rivocati” and Piazza dei Bruzi in Cosenza, the parish complex of the
diocese of Lodi in Dresano, the New Public Prosecutor’s Ohice in Catanzaro, and the
redevelopment of disused areas in Mantua Hub.
His main research themes, also developed within the framework of the ERASMUS +
KA220-HED RECUBE programme and through his participation in the Nervi Laboratory
at the Milan Polytechnic, Lecco Territorial Pole, which see him directly involved in
collaborations with the Universitè Libre Bruxelles, ENSA Nantes, the Chinese University
of Hong Kong and the Warsaw University of Technology, are: restoration and
readaptation of modern architecture, architecture for the existing in fragile territories,
reactivation processes in territories in transition.
His main awards include the Gold Medal for Italian Architecture in 2006 for the
restoration of the Pirelli skyscraper, an award presented by the Milan Triennale.