Προηγούμενη σελίδα

Φόρουμ Διοικητικής Συνεργασίας ΣΑΕ

19 Οκτωβρίου 2007, Βιέννη




ACE Forum on Administrative Cooperation

Venue: Vienna
Date: 19 October 2007
Special session: 9h00 to 11h00
Forum: 11h00 to 16h30


1.0 Internal Session with OAR, CAB, CAT (Wolfgang Haack, Toal O'Muire, Adrian Joyce)

2.0 Forum: Welcome and Introductions (Facilitator: Toal O'Muire, RIAI, Chair of the ACE Workgroup Professional Qualifications)

2.1 Utz Purr, Head of Delegation of BAIK (Host)
2.2 Wolfgang Haack, Member of the Executive Board of the ACE and Coordinator of work on the theme of Access to the Profession
2.3 Tour de Table

3.0 Adoption of Agenda

4.0 Administrative cooperation and consumer protection (W. Haack)

5.0 Recognition Issues

5.1 General System (Articles 10 to 14) (T. O'Muire)
5.2 Application of Article 10 "specific and exceptional" (T. O'Muire)
5.3 The role of professional experience (with regard to the general system and to the sectoral system) (U. Purr)
5.4 Registration with an "ACE Blue Card"? (A. Joyce)
5.5 Latest developments in IMI - meeting with the Commission (T. O'Muire)

6.0 Overlapping SIM and Qualifications Directive

6.1 The ACE Guide for the Member Organisation of ACE on Transposition and Implementation of the SIM Directive (I. Pritchard)
6.2 Point of single contact (Tour d'Horizon and latest developments) (all)
6.3 eCommerce (W. Haack)

7.0 Any Other Business

8.0 Date of Next Meeting



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