Προηγούμενη σελίδα

Συνεδρίαση 16 Ιανουαρίου 2004, Μόναχο


Venue: Munich Architects Chamber
Duration: from 10.30 h until 17.00 h, including lunch;

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Welcome by Chairman
1.2 Adoption of Agenda and new Experts Nominees to the TF
1.3 Discussion on Circulated Notes of the Brussels CAE General Assembly on December 2003

2.0 Distributed Tasks
2.1 Discussion on the next steps concerning the adopted Urban Governance Paper by Henning Thomsen
2.2 Progress on the Topical area proposed by Juergen Rauch about Town Planning and Mobility
2.3 Progress on the Topical area proposed by Maria Antonietta Sbordone about all EU legislative packages dealing with Urban Issues and Sustainable Development

3.0 European Parliamentary Urban Policy Working Group
3.1 Discussion of new Objectives to be prepared in view of the re-establishment of the Working Group after the European Elections
3.2 Preparation of Necessary Actions in liason with Eurocities and other stakeholders

4.0 Thematic Strategy on Urban Environment
4.1 Further discussion on the ongoing preparation of the Urban Design for Sustainability final report ( in the framework of the Preparation of the Thematic Strategy on Urban Environment) -Anu Mansikka

5.0 Coehesion Policy andre-distribution of Structural Funds
5.1Discussion on the opportunity of organizing an event at European level about the matter of re-distribution of structural Funds after 2006 - Urban and Urbact Programmes

6.0 Any Other Business

7.0 Next Meeting


Αρχή σελίδας