Προηγούμενη σελίδα

Συνεδρίαση 4 Απριλίου 2005, Βρυξέλλες


Venue: ACE Offices Brussels
Date:  4th April 2005
Time: 10h30 to 17H00

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Welcome by Chairman Arch. Antonio Borghi
1.2 Adoption of Agenda of the meeting
1.3. Discussion on Circulated Notes and follow up of the Venice meeting on October 2005

2.0 Ongoing activities of the TFUI
2.1 Report on the ongoing work about the European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP) on the Built Environment, in which the ACE is responsible for the sub-theme “Urban Issues”. Report on the meeting of 14th of February 2005.
2.2 EP inter-group on Urban Issues and Housing – status report and inputs from TFUI Members including analysis of Presidency Conclusions of Ministerial Meeting on Urban Policies, 13th November 2004 and recommendations for ACE input.
2.4 Organisation of the next Poznan Conference: Items, Participation, Sponsors, Presentation, Dissemination  

3.0 Discussion on the previous activities of the TFUI and next developments
3.1 Thematic Strategy on the Urban Environment.
3.2 Cohesion Policy and re-distribution of Structural Funds in urban areas
3.3. Debate on ACE Policy on Planning Law – in particular, detailed planning (A Sagne)
3.4 Draft programme and Terms of Reference for 2005

4.0 Any other business and next steps
4.1. Information on activities of the European Forum for Architectural Policies (A Sagne)
4.2 Other Business notified ahead of the meeting.

Αρχή σελίδας