Προηγούμενη σελίδα

Συνεδρίαση 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2006, Βρυξέλλες


Draft Agenda WGUI Meeting on February the 3rd

0. News from the EB on the structure and method of the Work Groups

1. Discussion on the feedback to be prepared on the newly published final Document of Thematic Strategy on Urban Environment (see attachment 1 )

2. Discussion on the intended ACE Commentary on the Commission Staff Working Document COHESION POLICY IN SUPPORT OF GROWTH AND JOBS (see attachment 2 )

3. Discussion on the Commentary to be prepared on the Outcome of Informal Ministerial Meeting held in Bristol on Sustainable Communities (see attachment 3) and Bristol Accord, in relationship with the Statement of the European Forum for Architectural Policies (see attachment 4)

4. ACE Participation to the Urban Futures 2.0 conference in Stockholm (see http://www.urbanfutures.se/frame.html)

Disussion on a specific input to be given by ACE tyo this conference.

5. European Parliament Intergroup URBAN Logement. Report on the last meeting on december the 15th in Strasbourg (see minutes as attachment 5) inputs and comments on the draft of an European Charter for Housing (See attachment 6) and establishment of an ACE Shadow Group

6. Poznan Urban Regeneration Conference. Discussion on outcome, perspectives, progress of the 2nd book, dissemination etc.

7. URBACT Network on Management and Restructuring of Large Housing Estates. Definition of Role of ACE and Politecnico di Milano as Associate Partners and next steps in launching phase.

8. Structural Funds 2007-2013. Follow-up action in the context of the European Forum for Architectural Policies. Rules governing their distribution and ACE attempt to ensure that in the implementation of these Funds a wider consideration is given to architectural quality and the conservation of cultural heritage. Links to be established with the European Investment Bank and other European funding institutions.

9. Cooperation areas between ACE and WGUI and CECODHAS and Union Sociale pour l’Habitat (France), in coordination with new ACE WG on Housing currently being set up.

10. European Technology Construction Platform. Current state of play. Liaison with the work group on the sub-theme ‘Urban Issues’ chaired by ACE (Adrian Joyce) and the WG Research

11. Preparation of the joint meeting with ACE WG Research in Budapest in Spring 2006


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