Προηγούμενη σελίδα

Συνεδρίαση Θεματικής Περιοχής 3
22-23 Ιουνίου 2007, Σαντιάγκο ντε Κομποστέλα


Joint Workshop - ACE Work Groups in Thematic Area 3: architecture & society

Santiago de Compostela, Hotel AC Palacio del Carmen

22-23 June 2007


Friday 22 June, 10.00-18.00 workshop (Hotel AC Palacio del Carmen)
Saturday  23 June, 09.30-13.30 ACE Work Groups


Purpose of the workshop is to exchange ideas on the global topic of the quality of the built environment that results from architectural activities with a holistic approach and to benefit from the views and experiences of the ACE Work Groups work programmes and actions, and also to exchange with other Organisations and explore opportunities for concrete cooperation with them.
The additional purpose is to coordinate activities and to identify the potential for cross-fertilisation of the activities undertaken within the respective WG work programmes in this Thematic Area and maybe also in others, and also to enhance such cross-fertilisation with the UIA and Eurocities relevant working units.
Invited to the meeting are the members of the ACE Work Groups: Environment and Sustainable Architecture, Urban Issues, Housing, and representatives of the relevant UIA Work Programmes and Working Groups, “Eurocities” (Working Groups Urban Issues and Urban Regeneration) and Cecodhas (Social Housing Observatory).
The meeting will take place at Santiago de Compostela on Friday 22 and Saturday 23 of June. It is kindly hosted by Teresa Taboas, Chair of the ACE Housing Work Group and the Venue will be the Hotel AC Palacio del Carmen where accommodation will also be secured (see registration form).
The actual Workshop will start at 10.00 on Friday and it will end at 13.30 on Saturday, so that participants can travel in on Friday morning and leave on Saturday afternoon if they wish. 

Friday 22 June

(Open meeting)

10.00 -10.15

Welcome and introduction to the purpose of the meeting.
Teresa Taboas and Olgierd Dziekonski, Coordinator TA3

10.15 -10.30  

Introductions of the participants

10.30 -10.45   

Review of the most urgent political challenges facing the ACE.
The ACE response to the Leipzig Charter and follow-up. Alain Sagne

10.45 -11.00

Need of European Indicators to measure the Quality of the Built Environment, Olgierd Dziekonski and Alain Sagne

11.00 -11.50   

Presentation of current activities and issues by the Chairmen of the four ACE Work Groups (10 minutes each)

11.50 -12.30 

Presentation of their relevant activities by Guests from UIA, Eurocities and Cecodhas (invited)

12.30 -13.30

First round of discussion concerning possible areas for cooperation

13.30 -15.00


15.00 -16.00

Identifying key areas for joint cooperation and setting a timetable for action; coordination of tools and events.

16.00 -17.00

Presentation of the housing policy in the Galicia Region with the aspect of urban regeneration of the housing stock, by Teresa Taboas

17.00 -17.45

The policy dimension of urban regeneration issues.
The experiences of the House-Es URBACT network and Galicia region and how this can be incorporated in the activities of the ACE WGs as a response to the EU housing debate.
Presentation of the state of the art in the URBACT Hous-Es network and discussion with the participants chaired by Krzysztof Baczynski

17.45 -18.00

Recommendations for debate on the second day by Olgierd Dziekonski

Meeting adjourned


Guided tour in Santiago de Compostela

Saturday 23 June

09.30 -10.30

Review of current work programmes in the light of the discussion on the previous day - WG recommendations for priorities - in separate groups chaired by the respective WG chairmen

10.30 -10.45

Coffee break



10.45 -11.30

Research issues and recommended actionsIn particular,
·The Schweitzer paper “The social recognition of architecture in connection with the current operation of the ACE and the National Organizations” submitted by SADAS (material already circulated) –
·New External Projects arising - Consideration of ACE involvement - Introduction by Alain Sagne
Debate chaired by Laszlo Miko

11.30 -12.30

Climate Change and recommended actions
Debate chaired by Owen Lewis

12.30 -13.00

Urban issues and recommended actions in coordination with research actions
Debate chaired by Antonio Borghi

13.00 -13.30

Proposed future agenda for the ACE Work Groups’ activities and wrap-up of the meeting by Olgierd Dziekonski

End of actual workshop
Afternoon/Evening: guided visit to Fisterra (depending on number of people)
Working language: English.
Hotel accommodation (suggestion):
Hotel AC Palacio del Carmen. (www.ac-hotels.com)
Room 115€ (7% VAT not included)
For additional information: www.turgalicia.es




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