Προηγούμενη σελίδα

Συνεδρίαση 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2003, Λονδίνο


(Calendar 2003)
Dear Colleagues,
The next meeting of the Task Force on Education and Research (TFER) will be held in London at the offices of the Architect's Registration Board (ARB) of the United Kingdom on Friday 21st February at 11h00.
The ARB offices are located at:
8 Weymouth Street
London W1W 5BU
T: +44 207 580 5861.
The office is literally round the corner from the RIBA in Portland Place and easy to find. The nearest tube stations are, Great Portland Street, Oxford Circus or Regents Park, depending on which tube line you are taking.
As you will recall from the two previous TFER meetings it was agreed that all members of the Taskforce would aim to conduct a review of the activity taking place in the their State in the Fields of Research and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) with a view to preparing a resume of the current state of play for presentation to the next meeting. To my knowledge this has not yet been done and I urge each of you to prepare a short document for the next meeting. Without input from each of you we will fail to make progress on these issues.
You will recall the presentations made on research at our meeting in September and on CPD at our meeting in November. It is work of a similar nature that I urge you to prepare for your country. I attachcopies of those PowerPoint presentations that I made on the situation in the UK for reference.
It is intended to make these presentations the main agenda item for the meeting on February 21st.
The agenda will also include the following:
1. The formal hand over to the new Chairman.
The candidacy of Jean-Paul Scalabre (France) has been approved by the Executive Board and he takes up his duties at the next meeting.
2. An update on the situation regarding the progress of the new Directive.
3. Review of the position regarding the Queens University Belfast report
on professional experience requirements and a check to see if this information is already available from the research undertaken in Spain. You are all referred to the following websites for existing information:
4. We should also review the Terms of Reference,
agreed at the second General Assembly of 2002 in the light of a new Chair being appointed.
5. A discussion on the Bologna process and on closer co-operation with the EAAE.
An Irishman, James Horan, Head of the School of Architecture at Bolton Street takes up the presidency in September 2002 and he is anxious to forge closer ties with the profession, particularly in the light of the possible repeal of the Architects Directive.
I look forward to seeing you in London, and to a productive meeting,
Best wishes
Susan Ware

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