Προηγούμενη σελίδα

Συνεδρίαση 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2005, Βρυξέλλες


The next meeting of the ACE SIM work group will take place at the ACE headquarters, Brussels, on Friday 2 September 2005

Draft agenda

1. Apologies for absence

2. Notes of the meeting held in London on 3 June

3. Matters arising from the notes
3.1. to note the proposed amendments to the SIM Directive, submitted to the IMCO meeting of 10 June

4. Outcome of IMCO meeting of 19 June & further developments

5. Outputs (short-term)
5.1. Code of Conduct (version 15) , JW
to finalise English/French versions for November GA, HL
LARG advice on co-regulation?, HL

6. Outputs (medium-term)
6.1. Administrative Co-operation (Clearing House), P-HS
- role of the Commission;
- feasibility study (list of questions)
- Single Point of Contact (clarify relationship with Competent Authorities Cf. Qualifications Directive)
- Code of Conduct for Administrative Co-operation (cf. General System)
- Professional Card
6.2. Cost-information systems  WH
- Enquiry into cost-information systems
- Analysis of existing models (by R Pellicer, translation, R Shrimplin)
- database on national systems
- revised ACE Competition Policy document
6.3. ACE sector study ,AS
- business plan; funding application
6.4. Client (quality) Charter,MP

7. Outputs (longer-term)
7.1. Insurance ,JK
- Extension of CEA study (EU + 10)

8. Any other business

9. Date & time of next meeting
Idp 01.08.05



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