Προηγούμενη σελίδα

Συνεδρίαση 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2005, Βρυξέλλες



Permanent Committee 1 – Education and Communication

Meeting, BRUSSELS, September 24th 2005, 10h00 to 16h00

Draft Agenda

1. Adoption of the Agenda

2. Adoption of the Notes of the last meeting held on February 26th 2005
2.1 Matters Arising that are not Included in this Agenda

3. Chairman’s Report Philippe BOILLE
3.1 Overview of Progress since last meeting
3.2 Implementation of New Statutes – Information
3.3 Expected Inputs to General Assembly

4. Work Group Education Jean-Paul SCALABRE
4.1 Chairman’s Report – Meeting of 12th September
4.1.1 Bologna Process
4.1.2 CPD – Progress on European Label
4.2 Meeting with CSCAE (Spain) in Luxembourg on UIA and CPD
4.3 Qualifications Directive – Status Report
4.4 ACE-EAAE Joint working Party
4.4.1 Report on Meeting with Commission
4.4.2 Report on ACE Attendance at EAAE Assembly in Chania
4.5 Next Steps and Work Programme

5. Environment and Sustainable Architecture Livia TIRONE
5.1 Chairman’s Report – Meeting of 17th September
5.1.1 Energy Performance of Buildings Directive – Guidelines
5.1.2 Energy End Use and Energy Services Directive – Status
5.1.3 Environmental Assessment – Status and Recommendations
5.2 Thematic Strategy on the Urban Environment – Status
5.3 Report on Lisbon Seminar – Synergies with ACE Policies
5.4 Next Steps and Work Programme

6. Work Group Urban Issues Antonio BORGHI
6.1 Chairman’s Report – Meeting of 10th September
6.1.1 ECTP – Urban Issues Group – Status
6.1.2 Inputs for Inter-group Urban:Logement
6.2 POZNAN Event Report
6.2.1 Proceedings – Synergies with ACE Policies
6.2.2 URBACT Network Proposal – Status and Information
6.3 Parliamentary Inter-group Urban:Logement – Status Report
6.3.1 Special Work Group on Social Housing – Presentation
6.4 Next Steps and Work Programme

7. Work Group Research Lazlo MIKO
7.1 Chairman’s Report – Meeting of 22nd September
7.1.1 Membership
7.1.2 Proposed Actions and Timetable
7.2 European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP)
7.2.1 Status Report
7.2.2 ACE Inputs to Date
7.2.3 Plenary Session – Paris 25th October 2005
7.2.4. Next Steps
7.3 Projects
7.3.1 Build for All – Status Report – Launch Event
7.3.2 Towards Class “A” – Status Report
7.3.3 ENABLE – Status Report – Link to ECTP
7.4 Report on New Project Proposals
7.4.1 Leonardo Extension to Existing Project
7.4.2 Leonardo – Network
7.4.3 Leonardo – Arch@diae
7.4.4 DALIBU – Daylighting in Buildings
7.5 Next Steps and Work Programme

8. Any Other Business

To be notified to the Secretariat in writing before 22nd September at the latest.

Philippe BOILLE


August 31st 2005


Αρχή σελίδας