Στοιχεία για το θεσμικό πλαίσιο και την άσκηση του επαγγέλματος της αρχιτεκτονικής στην Ελλάδα - Ευρωπαϊκό πρόγραμμα Leonardo da Vinci "Come si fa"
Institutional framework and profession practice in Greece

Association of Greek Architects
Detailed research within at least one specific professional field
(Institutional Framework)

1. The Revision of the institutional framework of the Architect' s profession practice Decree 4663/30, constitutes a fixed demand of the sector, and SADAS-PEA has repeatedly pointed out the need for the legislation of a new framework which will be able to correspond to the contemporary conditions with a new determination of the sector's competences, based on the studies' cognitive content.
But also the other Associations (Civil Engineers - Mechanical Engineers) have admitted that the current legal settlements -applied since 1930 and according to which we all do almost everything at the expense of scientific and social deontology- are anachronistic and unable to correspond to the current reality. Everybody agrees on the following:

· Unqualified persons must not exercise professions that require maximum scientific training and specialization.

· The countless repercussions of the cost and the quality of the works due to the detachment of the architects' professional rights from their scientific competence must not charge the whole society.

· The trivialization of the role and the devaluation of the profession of the architects from the State and from all enacted bodies (Technical Chamber of Greece) in general, must not continue.

2. Where the architecture sector and more specifically the professional relations between architects and civil engineers are concerned, architects have pointed out the need for a clear determination between the two professions, based on the cognitive content of their studies. The right of architectural practice should be obtained after 5 years of university level studies that will provide the graduate with the capability for a complete and balanced apprehension of architecture, the aesthetic and functional knowledge, the theoretical documentation, the social embedding and the technical competence of Architectural work, as thoroughly described in the 3rd article of the EEC Architects Directive. Such a regulation would enable the upgrading of the projects' specifications, the supervision's quality and the works' control.

3. At the same time, the architects have recognized a social reality, created by the present institutional framework regarding those practicing the profession of the architect and the civil engineer up to now. It is obvious that a special settlement should be provided for the above professionals in the new institutional framework. Today the architects are over 17.000 and they are more than sufficient as for the needs of our country.

4. In this direction, after many years of efforts a common decision of the Associations of Architects (SADAS-PEA) and Civil Engineers has been published on 12.3.1985, based on the EEC Architects Directive, and was communicated to the Ministry of Environment and Public Works and to the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE). The regulations and processes foreseen in this decision, agreed and charged both by the Government and the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE) were one-sidedly materialized and only where the civil engineers of the European union were concerned. The procedures that concern the national area have stopped with the responsibility of both the government and the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE).

5. As known, in August 1985 the Directive 85/384/EEC "for the mutual recognition of degrees, certificates and other titles in the field of architecture and the establishment of measurements for the facilitation of real exercise of the right of installations and free services" was published. The above directive was incorporated in our internal Law (with a 6 years delay for which our country was convicted by the Court of European Communities) with Presidential Decree 107/1993 which brings forward the provisions of the Directive regarding the minimal requirements of the content of the degree of Architectural studies, that constitute an essential condition for the Practice of the architect's profession.
These conditions are the following:
a) Studies of University level with architecture as their main object.
b) Studies that should maintain a balance between the theoretical and practical aspects of Architectural education.
c) Studies of a minimum duration of 4 years with a full-time attendance at a University or a similar educational institution (or at least 6 years at a University or a similar educational institution, from which at least 3 years should be of full-time attendance).
d) Successful certification of the above education with a competition of university level.

It is therefore obvious that holders of degrees or certificates that do not fill the above minimal conditions of architectural studies cannot practice the profession of the architect.

During 5-6 May 2001, a conference of the representatives of the European Union's Organizations of Architects was held in Athens; matters of professional exercise of architecture concerning the origin countries were presented during the conference, pointing out the formation and structure of the professional institutions, the existing
legislative regulations, the application of European directives and their recent modifications.

The Association of Greek Architects (SADAS-PEA) considers the matter as a major professional priority, as the eventual abolition of the EEC architects' directive brings forward, in a dramatic way, the matters of professional competence as for the practice of technical professions in the European Union.
The practice of architecture by architects is undoubtedly connected with the improvement of the urban space, the upgrading of the constructions' quality and the determination of the competences of technical professions on a wider level.

General Data

Greece became a member of the European Union in 1981. Athens is it's capital.
According to the last census of 2001, the country's population is 10.964.020 in an area of 131.957 km2.
In Greece there are five Architectural Schools of a five-years duration of 10 semesters.

1. In Athens
SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE n. t. u. a. (National Technical University of Athens)
Founded in 1917
Duration of Studies: 5 years / 10 semesters
Graduates from 1975 to 2002: 3.411
Present undergraduates of all 10 semesters: 1.650

2. In Thessalonica
Founded in 1956
Became an independent section by Decree 1268/1983
Duration of Studies: 5 years / 10 semesters
Graduates from 1970 until today: 3.555
Present undergraduates of all 10 semesters: 1.638

3. In Patras
Founded in 1999
Duration of Studies: 5 years / 10 semesters
There are not any graduates yet
Undergraduates of all four years: 431
With the gradual development of the Program of Studies, the students will be able to choose between three directions:
a. Conservation and restoration of buildings and groups of buildings
b. Urban planning and urban reformation
c. Planning of interior space, landscape and object

4. In Volos
Founded in 1999 (Presidential Decree 208/99)
Duration of Studies: 5 years / 10 semesters, Specialization
There are not any graduates yet
Total amount of undergraduates of all years: 382

5. In Xanthi
Founded in 1999 (Presidential Decree 208/99)
Duration of Studies: 5 years / 10 semesters
There are not any graduates yet
Total amount of undergraduates of all years: 315

The degrees of all five Architectural Schools are equivalent to the degrees of the European Union counties.
In order to gain admission to Greek Universities and Technological Institutions, candidates take examinations of a Pan Hellenic level after the completion of their studies in the two last grades of Greek Lyceum (high school).

About Professional Practice
Until 1982, in order to exercise the profession of the architect, graduates of Greek Universities and equivalent foreign schools had to take written examinations conducted by the SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE n. t. u. a. The ones that succeeded had to register in the records of the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE), which is a prerequisite for the exercise of the profession. From 1982 until today, so as to register in the records of the Technical Chamber of Greece, graduates take oral examinations conducted by the Technical Chamber of Greece in two ways:
a. by the dissertation
b. based on unities (the examination is realized on three out of five unities according to Ministerial Decision 5/4/39, Government Press 713/8/5.10.84).
In Greece, training practice is not compulsory after the completion of studies (tironcino). However, the registration in the records of the Technical Chamber of Greece is compulsory.
Graduates also register in the records of the Architects Scientific Association, SADAS-PEA (Association of Greek Architects).
The Technical Chamber of Greece is the official Technical Advisor of the State ever since 1926 and it controls graduate architects as well as all graduate engineers of all specializations.

The crisis regarding graduate architects
With decree 2916/2001 Technological Educational Institutions of three-years studies (TEI) become schools of higher education, by augmenting the duration of studies from three to four years. With the new regulations, higher education consists of two parallel sectors: the university sector, which includes universities and polytechnic schools and the technological sector, including Technological Educational Institutions.

Today, there are about 16.100 architects engineers in Greece. 13.653 are registered in SADAS-PEA.
About 60% are employed by the Private Sector.
About 25% are self-employed as free lancers.
About 15% are employed by the Public Sector (Ministries, Public entities, Public Organizations, Municipals and Banks).

Rate of Salaries
The Private Sector's rate of salaries is different than the Public Sector's one.
The Public Sector follows the rate of salaries of civil servants, while there is a collective contract of employment for the Private Sector.

Professional rights for design - supervision
Decrees 4663/1930 and 1418/1984 determine the professional rights for research and supervision of various technical projects, for both the Public and Private sectors.
a. Design - supervision of all Architectural Projects
b. Design - supervision of static projects (for special constructions a joint signature of the engineer is required).

Fees for design - supervision of technical projects
Through the Ministry of Environment, Land Planning and Public Works, the State has determined the minimum fee cost both for private and public projects.

Penalization of the profession
Decree 2331/1995, article 20, amendment of article 286 of the penal code.
Article 286
"Whoever, during the realization of a design or the management of a construction or any other similar project or a demolition, acts deliberately or by mistake against the mutually recognized technical rules and therefore endangers the life and health of a person is penalized with imprisonment up to two (2) years".

Professional Activity

Architects in Greece are employed in three sectors of occupation:

1. The Private sector,
2. The Public and Wider Public sector and
3. The Self-employment sector.

We would like to point out that the higher percentages, regarding the presence of women engineers, appear within Architects (about 35%).

Architects employed in the Public and Wider Public sector (Corporations, Municipals, Organizations) constitute approximately the 15% of the total number of architects.

This percentage appears to be constantly reducing, because the current employment is not analogous to that of 1980 and 1990. Furthermore, women architects occupy a high percentage when compared to men.

In the Private Sector there is a percentage of approximately 60% of the total amount. It includes employees of small or large Technical Firms and small or large Design Offices. They may be plain employees that handle current matters or they may set their Design or Contractor's Degree at the disposal of the relevant firm or office.

The sector of Self-employment concerns those who deal with design and supervision of private projects, keeping a private office or co-residing with engineers of other sectors, e.g. civil engineers, electrical engineers, surveyors.

According to a research conducted by the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE), the percentage of free lancers, self-employed persons and employers is higher among the residents of Thessalonica and other areas of Greece, compared to their colleagues in Athens.

Where fees are concerned, civil servants are the most underpaid employees, with regards to the work they produce and the exclusive use of their professional practice license, which they dispose to the State. According to the general point of view, a SPECIAL PAYROLL FOR ENGINEERS should be created.

Most private sector employees, working at private firms, are facing problems. They work over 8 hours on a daily basis. A 33% works 9-10 hours and a 16% over 10 hours. A 42% works 7-8 hours and the rest of them, work approximately 7 hours. Architects of Thessalonica and other areas of Greece work over 10 hours, again when compared to the ones of Athens.

There is also a category of architects that their work is not related to architecture (approximately 2,5%).

Architects practicing their profession have to deal with the following problems:

1. Illegal competition and absence of meritocracy
2. Insufficient institutional framework
3. Low fees
4. Non-fortification of professional rights
5. Bureaucracy and difficulty in cooperation with Public Services
6. Downgrading of profession's validity
7. Excessive working hours
8. Non-correspondence between education and market needs

Αρχή σελίδας