Προηγούμενη σελίδα

Συνεδρίαση 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008, Βουδαπέστη


Access to the profession
Work Group Education
Agenda of the next meeting – September 2008 26th (10h30-16h30)

Venue : at the MEK Offices, in Budapest ( H-1088 Budapest, Otpacsirta u.2 )
1.  Introduction.
Adoption of the Notes from 06.06.2008.
Discussion about the new context of activity for the working group education.
2.  Discussion of  ToR points
2.1. Track the work of the WGPQD (Work Group Professional Qualifications Directive), bringing expertise to bear on its deliberations and assisting it to devise a possible ACE Policy on the type of qualifications that should be listed in Annexe V.7 of the PQD.
2.2.  Monitor and review the developments in architectural education that are arising out of the implementation of the Bologna Accord in the Member states of the EU.  Consider the adopted position of the ACE on the Bologna Accord and propose a revised position, if appropriate.  Carry out a Survey of the state registered schools of architecture in order to gain an overview of how the Bologna Accord is actually being implemented.
2.3.  Review whether the contents of Article 46 of the PQD are still valid and develop out a full list of competences that can be attributed to each of the 11 points listed in that Article.
2.4.  Assess progress of the Member Organisations in the achievement of the commitments made by the ACE and its Member Organisations in relation to Continued Professional Development (CPD) in the Charter on CPD adopted in 2000.  Propose how the ACE can collaborate effectively with the UIA CPD Programme managed by the Spanish Member Organisations, the CSCAE.
3.  Organisation of the working group activity
3.1.  Updating mailing list, participant list, photos of the members.
3.2.  Creating  a database network about education in each country.
4.  Information connected with the WGE interest.
4.1. Group of coordinators meeting in Brussels.
4.2.  Last EAAE/ ACE Joint Working Party meeting.
4.3.  ENHSA – ACE involvement for periode 2008-2011
5.  Other topics to be discussed.





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