Προηγούμενη σελίδα

Συνεδρίαση 10 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007, Βρυξέλλες


Access to the Profession
Work group Education
Agenda of the meeting - 10 09 2007 (10h30 to 16h30) at the ACE Officies in Brussels


1. Introduction

1.1. Adoption of the Agenda
1.2. Adoption of the Notes of last meeting
1.3. Matters arising

2. Continued Professional Development (CPD)

2.1. Presentation and discussion of the new Terms of Reference (attached) regarding improvement of CPD at European level.
2.2. Update of the information regarding existing CPD systems in Member States of the EU.
       2.2.1. Presentation and improvement of the grid illustrating the different CPD systems to be filled up with new data
       2.3. Preparation of a draft of the document to be proposed to the EB and the GA regarding ACE Policy and Political Statement on CPD

3. Bologna Accord

3.1. Work to be done by the WGE to modify and/or implement the original and official statement of the ACE about the Bologna Accord.
3.2. Development of the discussion held at the last meeting on how the new possibility given to reate a bachelor in the field of architecture after 3-years study is coming to pass in the different States of the EU.
3.2.1. Consequences of that situation to the employees in the professional working market.
3.2.2. Consequences of that situation regarding the professional status of Architects.
4. Any other Business
5. Date for next meeting

End of agenda




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