Προηγούμενη σελίδα

Συνεδρίαση 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2005, Λισσαβόνα


ACE Working Group Environment and Sustainable Architecture

Agenda for 17th September 2005
Ordem dos Arquitectos (OA)
Banhos de São Paulo, Lisbon

10.30h to 17.00h  (including a standing lunch Buffet offered by the OA)

1.0 Introduction
1.1. Welcome address:
Livia Tirone Chairperson
Vibeke Grupe Larsen Vice-Chairperson
1.2. Tour de Table
including a short introduction by each attendee
1.3. Adoption of the Agenda
1.4. Adoption of the minutes of the last meeting

2.0. Theme 1: Buildings’ Energy Performance Directive
Bill Gething will make a presentation of the position paper on the Buildings’ Energy Performance Directive for discussion. Later this paper will be posted on the ACE web site, with the aim to inform the Member Organisations of the new responsibilities and opportunities the Directive poses for Architects as from January 2006.  
Miguel Angel Romero who is accompanying the work of the Technical Committee of the CEN on Environmental Performance of Buildings  - will report on developments.
Discussion on the transposition of the Directive in the Member States (presentation proposals are welcome);

3.0. Theme 2: Environmental Assessment
Vibeke Grupe Larsen will make a presentation of status of the Strategic
Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directive in DK.
Discussion on the transposition of the SEA Directive in the Member States. The discussion will be summarised and the resulting paper will be posted on the ACE
web site, with the aim to inform the Member Organisations of the
opportunities the Directive poses for Architects.
Progress on the possibilities of the adaptation of the methodology of
the Danish environmental management and design tools ABCPlanner or similar
working tools to other EU cities

4.0 Theme 3: Thematic Strategy on the Urban Environment
Report on the developments, by Adrian Joyce
Future Actions will be discussed

5.0 Theme 4: Energy End Use and Energy Services Directive
Livia Tirone will make a presentation of the position paper on the Energy End Use and Energy Services Directive. Later this paper will be posted on the ACE web site, with the aim to inform the Member Organisations of the opportunities the Directive poses for Architects.

6.0 Other themes to be presented and discussed
6.1 Integrated Products Policy by Adrian Joyce
6.2 CPD and REACH by Adrian Joyce
6.2 Indoor Air Quality by Albert Dubler
6.3 ACE Policy on Sustainable Architecture, by Livia Tirone and Adrian Joyce

7.0 Work Programme
7.1 Definition of Agenda for the next Meeting
7.2 Setting of Priorities and Outputs
7.3 Assignment of Tasks and Priority given to Issues
7.4 Setting of Deadlines for Tasks and Key Dates
7.5 Method and Lines of Communication

8.0  Any Other Business
Items notified in writing to the Chairperson ahead of the Meeting

9.0  Next Meeting
Date and venue will be agreed during this meeting
Livia Tirone  & Vibeke Grupe Larsen
Chair and Vice Chair of the Taskforce Environment and Sustainable Architecture


Αρχή σελίδας