Προηγούμενη σελίδα

Συνεδρίαση 29 Νοεμβρίου 2007, Βρυξέλλες



6th meeting of the Executive Board in 2007

Venue: Brussels, ACE Offices
Date:         Thursday 29th November 2007
Time:        14.00 – 20.00 followed by a dinner

Sandwiches will be available for the Members of the Board who will arrive before the meeting.
Note: Because this meeting is held on the eve of the General Assembly, only those documents (identified as Doc) that are not readily available in the Agenda of the General Assembly (which can be downloaded from the ACE web site at: http://www.ace-cae.org/MemberN/Content/EN/mee/pcal/me301107.html) will be circulated during the course of week 47.
For time reasons and unless otherwise indicated only those items of the General Assembly Agenda where a decision is required will be discussed.


1. Adoption of the Agenda

2. Adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting (4-5 October) and matters arising not covered in this agenda

3. Review of the General Assembly agenda - Preparation of the running of the General Assembly Meeting

- Item 4: VOTES
Review of the procedure (Membership and Elections of EB)
- Item 5: General Policies of the ACE
5.1 ACE Conference 2008 – Validation of draft final programme – Report on sponsoring – Next steps
5.2 ACE Governance Report – Presentation in the Assembly
5.5 Sector Study – Status report - Next steps including specifications for the tender for the second phase - New short-term contract with Sophie Roland to finish the interim phase
- Item 7: Thematic Area 1
7.3 Further discussion on new Political Direction of work in ACE
- Item 8: Thematic Area 2
Fine tuning of items on the agenda
- Item 9: Thematic Area 3
Confirmation of change of focus – Further policy directions
- Item 10:
Sponsorship Policy of the ACE – Endorsement of revised proposal
Further development of Website – Additional expenses - Statistics

4. External Representations

- Ireland - New Policy on Architecture – ACE Nominee for Steering Committee
- Meeting of WG Architectural Competitions /Thematic areas – Berlin, 8 December (follow-up to Vienna meeting)
- Meeting at DG EAC – ACE Conference – Brussels, 13 December (A. Sagne)
- European Construction Forum, Brussels 14 December (A. Sagne)
- EFAP Roadmap working meeting, Brussels 19 December (A. Sagne)

5. Any other business (must be notified in writing before the 27th November)



Αρχή σελίδας