Προηγούμενη σελίδα

Συνεδρίαση 17-18 Φεβρουαρίου 2006, Βρυξέλλες


Venue: Offices of the ACE, Brussels
Date: 17 th and 18 th February 2006
Time: 10h30 to 19h00 on the 17 th
09h00 to 16h30 on the 18 th

Ref Item Report

1.0 Formalities President
1.1 Adoption of the agenda (circulated)
1.2 Adoption of notes of previous meeting (circulated)
1.2.1. Matters arising (not included in this agenda)

2.0 Presidents’ report
2.1 Programme for EB meeting and seminar
2.2 Actions undertaken since 1 st January
2.3 Appointments and Delegations

3.0 Report of the Secretary General
3.1 External Meetings and Representations (see Annex)

4.0 Access to the Practice of the Profession Pierre-Henri Schmutz
(NB: Some items postponed to Saturday)
Co-ordinators Report
4.1. Education
4.1.1 Progress report
4.2. Registration and Licensing
4.2.1 Progress report

5.0 Practice of the Profession and Trade in Services John Wright
Co-ordinators Report
5.1 Competition
5.2 Services in the Internal Market (SIM)
5.3 Trade in services
5.4 Health & Safety
5.4 Procurement of architectural services


6.0 The Role of Architecture in Society Olgierd Dziekonski
Co-ordinators Report
6.1 Architecture and the Environment
6.2 Urban issues
6.3 Housing

7.0 Communication Luciano Lazzari
Report of the Vice-President

8.0 Internal Affairs
8.1 Statutes – By-Laws
8.1.1 Implementation and Further development
8.1.2 New Candidacies (Norway and Sweden)
8.2 Finance Committee Katarina Nilsson
8.2.1 Treasurer’s Report
8.2.2 Improvement of working tools
8.2.3 Preparation of speculative budget

9.0 Dedicated Session (Seminar) President
Refer to programme in Annex 2

11.0 Next Meeting – 10 th and 11 th March 2006 Brussels

Confirmation of dates of futures meetings 2006
Dedicated Session (Programme) on ACE Structure, Working Methods and Communication –
Setting of priorities

Introductory session

1.0 Introduction by the President
1.1 . Purpose of the Seminar
1.2. Expected outcomes
1.3. Format of the Seminar – thematic approach according to the new ACE Structure

2.0 The ACE – Its History, Structure, Objectives and Culture
2.1. Founding of the ACE in 1990
2.2 . Evolution of the ACE in 1997 – the “Athens” Constitution
2.3. Adoption of Revised Statutes and By-laws in 2005
2.4. Member Organisations of the ACE – their diversity
2.5. The Existing Culture of the ACE:
An International Organisation, Resources, Voluntary Input and Working Methods

3.0 Political Agenda and Multi-Annual Work Programme
3.1. Statutory Objectives
3.2. Brief overview of the adopted Political Agenda and Work Programme
3.3. Exposé of necessary actions:
Setting of priorities
Revised working structure
Methods, procedures and coordination
Assignment of functions
Communication strategy

Second Day
4.0 Setting of Priorities
4.1. Summary of current main priorities for the ACE
4.2. Implementation of a more political approach
4.3. Tour de table (individual views)
4.4. Debate and decisions

5.0 Revised Working Structure
5.1. Review of ACE Structure (chart) – Thematic areas
5.2. Which Work Groups where?
5.3. Need for new Work Groups
5.4. Debate and decisions

6.0 Methods, Procedures and Coordination in New Structure
6.1. Role of the Executive Board
6.2. Role of Coordinators
6.3. Working methods and means for coordination function
6.4. Role of the Secretariat
6.5. Debate and decisions

7.0 Assignment of Functions
7.1. Further confirmation of assignments made on the 22 nd December 2005
7.2. Vice Co-ordinators
7.3. Other specific functions
7.4 Decisions

Lunch 13h30

8.0 Communication Strategy
8.1. Internal Communication – Tools and procedures
8.2. External Communication – Tools and procedures
8.3. Website
8.4. Public Relations – Strategies and priorities
8.5. Organisation of and/or participation in Events
8.6. Sponsorship of activities by the ACE
8.7. Debate and decisions

9.0 Resources
9.1. Need for increased staff:
Communication function
Research – analysis – policy advice (legal?)
Secondment from Member Organisations
9.2. Budget implications
9.3. Budget for actions
9.4. Budget for expert inputs
9.5. Ways and means to increase income:
Increased subscriptions
Asymmetrical contributions
External sources (EU funds, sponsorship)
9.6. Debate and decisions

10.0 Conclusions
10.1. Summing up of salient issues emerging from debates
10.2. Review and recording of decisions taken (if any)
10.3. Allocation of tasks and next steps, including extent of reporting to ACE Members

Close of session and Board Meeting at 16h30
ANNEX 1 – External Meetings and Representations (Item 3.1)
- Meeting with Jean-Marie Beaupuy, President Intergroup Urban.Logement (date to be set)
- Joint Working Party – Dublin 3 rd March
- Energy Days – Batibouw Brussels 8 th March
- House-Es Network (URBACT) kick-off meeting – Poznan 24 th and 25 th March
- Day of the Liberal Professions – Brussels 3 rd April
- Urban Futures – Stockholm 4 th and 5 th May
- EFAP Meeting – Vienna 8 th and 9 th June
- ECCREDI 10 th Anniversary Event – Brussels 16 th June

- Eco Building Performance Fair – Paris 15 th to 17 th November

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