Προηγούμενη σελίδα

Συνεδρίαση Συντονισμού 20 Φεβρουαρίου 2009, Βρυξέλλες


General Coordination - 20/02/2009 - Brussels


Friday 20th February 2009 (10h30 - 16h30)

ACE Offices, Brussels

The principal purpose of the meeting is to give an opportunity to experts from the Member Organisations of the ACE to be informed about current issues and to permit them to debate in detail the content of ongoing work in each of the Thematic Areas.  There will be a special emphasis given to work that is considered ready to go forward for adoption to the General Assembly in April 2009.  As such this meeting represents an important opportunity to make input to work that will shortly become official ACE Policy.
The meeting will be chaired by the President, Juhani Katainen and discussions will be led by the Coordinators of each of the Thematic Areas as appropriate.  It is expected that all Chairmen of Work Groups appearing on the agenda and designated experts in the subjects on the agenda from the Member Organisations that wish to be involved in the debates will register to attend. Relevant documents will be circulated in advance when available.

DRAFT AGENDA (not reviewed by the Coordinators due to lack of time)

1    Introductory Session - Chair: J Katainen, President of the ACE
1.1    General introduction - Presentation of roles in new Executive Board
1.2    Tour de table
1.3    Adoption of Notes of Last Meeting (19th September 2008)
1.4    Adoption of Agenda

2    Thematic Area 1 - Access to the Profession - Coordinator: Jean-Paul Scalabre
2.1    General Report on Activities in this Thematic Area
2.2    Accreditation and Validation (S Lupton)
    2.2.1    Priorities and Objectives for the WG
    2.2.2    Presentation of Questionnaire and Timetable
    2.2.3    Next Steps
2.3    Professional Qualifications Directive (M Proces)
    2.3.1    Report on Current State of Play
    2.3.2    Report on the Work of the ENACA
    2.3.3    Extension of the IMI  System to Architects
    2.3.4    Next Steps
2.4    JWP with Schools of Architecture (D Borak)
    2.4.1    New Panel of ACE Representatives
    2.4.2    Report of Meeting of 13th February 2009
    2.4.3    Specific Issue of Professional Experience
    2.4.4    Next Steps

3    Thematic Area 2 - Practice of the Profession - Coordination: John Wright (excused for the meeting)
3.1    General Report on activities in this Thematic Area: (Alain Sagne on behalf of J Wright)
    3.1.1    Meeting between the ACE and KIRA  for an MRA and other perspectives
    3.1.2    Completion of Content (individual statements/fiches) for the SIM  Box - Deadline 20 March
    3.1.3    EU Study on Liability and Insurance in the Construction Sector - State of play
    3.1.4    Report on Commission Working Party - Guide to TMCS  Directive (A Joyce)
3.2    Progress Report on Alternative Dispute Resolution (T Prinz)
3.3    Priorities for 2009 in each Topic

4    Thematic Area  - Architecture and Quality of Life - Coordinator: Vincent Cassar
4.1    General Report on Malta Workshop held on 30th and 31st January 2009
4.2    Consideration of Reports on the Way Forward for each Work Group:
    4.2.1    Housing
    4.2.2    Environment and Sustainable Architecture
    4.2.3    Urban Issues
    4.2.4    Research
    Next steps
4.3    Report on DG REGIO work "Quality Indicators for Sustainable Cities" (A Sagne)
4.4    Report on Joint Project with European Concrete Platform on "Common Language for Sustainable Construction" (A Joyce)

5.     Communication Issues - Coordinator: Serban Tiganas

6    Internal Affairs

6.1    Nominations to the Work Groups of the ACE - Procedures
6.2    Note on ACE Services EEIG Membership (V Cassar/A Sagne)

7    Any Other Business (Time Permitting)

8    Date of next meeting

End of Agenda



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