Προηγούμενη σελίδα

Συνεδρίαση 7 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006, Βρυξέλλες


Meeting of ACE work group on Cost Information Systems, WG-CIS

ACE offices, Brussels on Thursday 7 sept 2006


Stephan Stouffs


John Wright, TA2 coordinator


Wolfgang Haack


Thomas Maibaum


Jan Ketelaer


Philippe Vermeren


Rafael Pelicer


Joe Miller


Alain Sagne, secretary general


Philip Ridgway

Chairman - CNOA (F)

Philip Ridgway thanked all present and expressed satisfaction that so many members had been able to attend this first meeting of the work group.
WG Terms of Reference
Terms of reference for the WG were distributed and John Wright, as member of the executive board, was asked to explain why the board had taken steps to set up the WG. He recalled that competition authorities were attacking architect's fee scales in several european countries and that the board found it important to present a united front as the EC commission has encouraged a "web" of competition authorities who are sharing experiences between themselves.
Meeting with the Commission
Much discussion was devoted to preparing an important meeting with the services unit at DG competition. This meeting took place in the afternoon and was called by ACE to set out guidelines for acceptable forms of CIS. It was expected that the outcome of the meeting would enable the CIS work group to define it's work programme with precision. Both technical arguments and political arguments were examined in order to establish best strategy for the afternoon's encounter.
It was decided to explain to DG competition how in our view CIS are made up of for essential elements: overheads, salaries, time and profit. The following questions were agreed:
1. What is the opinion of the European commission, DG Comp, about this way of defining CIS?
2. What are "historical data" for DG Comp?
3. What is an independent research body for DG Comp?
4. How can CIS be published and how can they be made available for consumers and other interested parties?
5. Do you (DG Comp) see a difference between legally and non legally covered systems?
After the meeting with DG Comp. a letter summarising the discussion will be sent to DG Comp. By the ACE secretariat
Delay : ASAP
WG-CIS follow up
Rafael Pelicier agreed to summarise the results of the meeting with DG Comp and to set out the implications for the WG-CIS work programme.
Rafael Pelicier
Delay:  ASAP by e mail
Post meeting note
Despite expectations, very little was obtained at the meeting with DGComp. Rather than answer questions, they preferred to take refuge behind art 81 and 82 of the EC Treaty, to the exclusion of all calls to take a balanced overview with other EC objectives in mind.
Work Group Members
Of those present at the meeting, the following volunteered to be active members of the Work Group: Stephan Stouffs - CNOA (B), Wolfgang Haack - BAK (D), Philippe Vermeren - FAB (B), Rafael Pelicer - CSCAE (E), Philip Ridgway - CNOA (F)
John Graby - RIAI (IRL) has also confirmed his participation.
WG recrutement
- Before convening a next WG meeting, it was thought necessary to enlarge participation on the WG to include members from other countries to ensure that the WG is more representative and thus more efficient in it's task of providing an uncomplicated overview of CIS as it exists throughout EC countries.
- It was suggested that overtures be made to member organisations in scandinavian countries, in particular Norway and Finland.
ACTION : Stephane Stouffs to make contacts
Delay : ASAP
- It was suggested that overtures be made to member organisations in east European countries, in particular Poland and Slovenia.
ACTION : Stephane Stouffs to make contacts
Delay : ASAP
Work Organisation
Rather than hold frequent meetings, it was thought best to assign tasks amongst WG members and to communicate electronically. Meetings will be used to present work and measure progress. As an exception to this principle, presentations by WG members giving the background to the situation as it is in thier own country can be usefully done at WG meetings.
Irish Fee Survey
A note from John Graby was distributed, giving an idea of how CIS based on historical data and undertaken by the RIAI have been produced and used in Ireland. 
CIS Belgium
Stephan Stouffs agrees to make a presentation regarding CIS in Belgium
ACTION : Stephane Stouffs
Delay : Next meeting
WG task reminder
Identify information sources for CIS and deliver analysis of existing best practice
ACTION : Task WGCost-1 ongoing
Delay : January 2007
Philip Ridgway to liase with Wolfgang Haack to organise tasks starting from results of questionnaire issued by WG competitiveness.
ACTION : Philip Ridgway
Delay : ASAP
Next meeting
Last week of October, date to be decided





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