Συνεδρίαση 18 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008, Βρυξέλλες
Draft agenda for WG PQD 18 Sep 08
Draft by TOM, 15 Sep 2008
1. Welcome and introductions:
2. Minutes of meeting held on 13 March 2008 (see attached)
3. Tour de table: matters arising plus news about progress at national level; including transposition; contact with Art 56 CAs, Art 57 CPs, NIMICs, etc.
4. National complaints, escalation measures/SOLVIT, direct effect.
5. IMI implementation for pilot professions; two IMIs or one?
6. Transcript of P Brumter address: to be circulated by AJ?
7. European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR).
8. Review of updating process for national entries in Annex V, Point 5.7.1 :
- supplementary requirements” (PBC Slide 13). Distinguish between Chamber membership per se and as a proxy for “Part 3” experience/examination;
- diplomas; e.g. where grouped, where name changed, where change pending;
- what each national CA seeks, from Annex VII list
- what each national CA provides, from Annex VII list
- relevant institutions which provide diploma supplements;
9. Review of notification process for qualifications at national level :
- Who (e.g. ministries competent authorities) notifies qualifications to the Commission;
- How and by whom qualifications are assessed in advance at national level; and in general the system for accreditation/validation, including any ‘franchised’ diplomas ;
- Timetable for clearing qualifications already listed by the EC to be dealt with;
- The scale of the task of renotifying and assessing qualifications, as PBC envisages;
- The resources and capacity required to deliver this; and
- How/when each qualification itself is likely to published/republished in Annex V;
- Any actions needed prior to the Art 56 Coordinators meeting on 23 September; e.g. inserting note on five years into heading for Annex V, Point 5.7.1
10. Other national data and requirements:
- available sets of competences/architects’ services (“prestations”) via WG-PE
- post-registration requirements: e.g. language proficiency, earthquake design.
11. Notes of ArchCard meeting on 25 July: see attached ACE doc ref 255/08/WH/aj
12. Mutual Recognition Agreements
13. The European Network of Architects’ Competent Authorities (ENACA): matters arising from meeting in Den Haag on 15 Sep 2008.
14. Relevant activities in other ACE Work Groups in Thematic Areas 1 and 2, and in JWP
15. Screening of legislation (PBC Slide 27: UK data from Ian Pritchard)
Other business:
Points of Single Contact under Services Directive Article 6: copies to be available at the meeting for those who wish to have them of the ACE survey of state of play.
Any issues arising in this or other regard from TA2 meeting on 11 September 2008
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