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ACE Info 7.06


English language version
The monthly electronic note from the Architects’ Council of Europe
Issue 7-06


Welcome to the seventh issue in 2006 of ACE Info, the regular update from the Architects' Council of Europe (ACE) that will give you, at a glance, information on current issues, highlighting emerging areas of activity and informing you of matters of interest in the field of architectural policy.

This issue is also available in French.

Core Issues

The ACE Summit – “Designing for the Future – Quality of Life and the Market”

At its latest meeting, the Executive Board of the ACE confirmed its decision to organise a major Summit on the subject of the relationship between the market and quality of life.  The architectural profession has noted that the pressures of the market are having a direct, and not always beneficial, impact on the quality of life of European citizens.   This is particularly so when it comes to the built environment and the approach that a number of policy makers are taking to its creation, construction and management.

The achievement of the objective of the Lisbon Agenda to create growth and jobs does not necessary need to be reduced to purely economic criteria when it comes to urbanism and architecture.  It is a fact that the “European market”, unable to imagine a Europe of culture, tends to regularly ignore the more holistic and integrated approaches that the Gothenburg Declaration on sustainable development contains.

The ACE Summit will be addressed by globally renowned personalities (economists, sociologists and architects) as well as by a range of important players in the built environment such as the mayors of major cities, local and European politicians and decision-makers.  Intended to inform and motivate decision makers and politicians, the Summit will be held in Brussels in late November 2007. 

ACE Info will return to this important event in future issues as plans for the Summit advance.

Services Directive – Second Reading Underway

Following the adoption of the Common Position on the proposed Directive on Services in the Internal Market by thy Council in June 2006, the Second Reading of the Directive in the European Parliament is now underway.  It will be recalled that the Council through a political compromise reached a common position on the text of the Directive that closely reflected the amended proposal of the Commission, which had already largely taken account of the vote of the Parliament in First Reading.

The Parliamentary Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Affairs (the IMCO Committee), is the lead Committee dealing with this important text.  The rapporteur for the Directive is Evelyne Gebhardt (PES, France) and, on the 13th September last, she presented her draft report for the Second Reading.  In her presentation she reported that she was proposing just 11 amendments that she believes are necessary to bring legal clarity to the text and that do not affect, in any way, the political agreement that was reached in the Council.  In her presentation she stated that she did not wish to jeopardise the prospect that the Directive would be adopted in the Second Reading, which each and everyone now seems to be heading for, and that she was committed to avoiding the need for conciliation and that this explained the low number of amendments that she was proposing.

However, the report was not well received by the conservative wing in the Parliament, by the Commission and by the Council.  In their comments on the report they clearly stated that they felt that the amendments proposed did affect the political agreement and that they could not be supported.  It seems that only two of the proposed amendments could receive wide support.  The discussion and vote in the IMCO Committee is normally scheduled for the 5th and 9th October, after which it will be possible to better judge if the Directive is likely to have a smooth passage in the Parliament, with the vote in the Committee scheduled on 23rd October and in plenary sitting in November.  If this happens than it can be expected that the Directive will be adopted before the end of the year, with publication in the Official Journal of the EU in early 2007.

In the meanwhile another 32 amendments have been tabled, some of them by the rapporteur, which brings the total number of amendments to 43.  From a quick analysis it appears that the additional amendments are largely meant to clarify the interpretation of articles 1 and 2.

From the point of view of the architectural profession, the Special Work Group of the ACE on the Directive met and debated the issues.  It concluded that there are no particular issues that arise from the work in Second Reading and that none of the proposed amendments with have additional impact on the profession.  It decided that it is therefore time to begin to take concrete pro-active steps to prepare for the transposition of the Directive, notably in respect of the chapter on quality of services, which offers opportunities to further promote such quality in architectural services.  More on this in a later issue of ACE Info.

Building in Safety – 2 Years After and the Evaluation of the Temporary and Mobile Sites Directive

The ACE has been an active participant in the European Construction Safety Forum that was set up in 2005 after the signing of the Bilbao Declaration on Building in Safety.  This Forum brought together the 7 signatories of the Bilbao Declaration and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors in order to ensure a positive follow-up to the commitments made in the signing of the Bilbao Declaration.  Specifically, the ECSF was charged with the organisation of a follow-up event to the Bilbao Summit at which the Declaration had been signed.  That follow up event took place in the premises of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) on the 21st September 2006 and was attended by about 80 high level actors in the construction sector.

At the event, the partners in the ECSF reported on the achievements they have made in the two years since the signing of the Bilbao Declaration.  These presentations were complemented by a number of other presentations that presented the statistical picture of Safety and Health in the Construction Sector and the actions being taken by a number of Member States (The Netherlands, Finland and Spain).  The general picture that emerged was that progress has been made in improving Health and Safety on construction sites with a generally downwards trend in accident rates and deaths, but that there is much left to do.  The partners clearly demonstrated that they are actively engaged in the objective to reduce accidents and that they are ready to work in partnership to accelerate the positive steps taken.

The European Commission was also present and it presented the background to legislation in occupational safety and health with an emphasis on the Temporary and Mobile Sites Directive (TMS Directive).  It reported that an evaluation of the transposition of the TMS Directive to national law and its implementation in national laws is underway.  This evaluation is based on national reports delivered earlier this year by the various national ministries responsible for the issues in each Member State.  These reports have been analysed by an external consultant and a Communication of the Commission on the outcome of the evaluation is due to be published by the end of the year.  The ACE publicly reported that, to its knowledge, none of the affected stakeholders had been consulted for this evaluation of the TMS Directive, at least not at European level.  In reply the Commission issued an invitation to any of the partners in the ECSF to visit it in Luxembourg to debate any concerns that they may have and invited them to make comments on the evaluation after it is published.  In this way the stakeholders can become closely involved in any potential actions that will arise.  The ACE intends to take the Commission up on its invitation and to call for the provisions of the TMS Directive to be revised so as to more appropriately reflect the distribution of responsibilities in the chain of actors that are involved in construction.

For more on the follow-up event and to view the presentations made on the day, visit:

Meeting Between the ACE and the DG Competition of the European Commission

On the 7th September last, the ACE met with representatives of the DG Competition to discuss issues that affect competition in professional services.  The meeting was called by the ACE with the objective of seeking clarification from the Commission on a number of issues, particularly seeking guidance on the question of establishing and publishing information systems on the cost of professional (architectural) services.  The establishment of such systems is deemed by the ACE to be essential for both the consumer and the profession.  It is necessary for the consumer (client) to be informed of how much it will cost to employ an architect to provide him or her with a defined set of services.  It is also necessary for the profession so that it can be properly resourced in order to provide a high quality of service to the consumer while ensuring also the sound operation of his/her undertaking.

However the meeting was not productive as the Commission stated that it was not going to give comfort to the profession and that it was up on it to decide on what measures it would take and then face any consequences that arise.  Furthermore it stated that the ACE could not refer to the proceedings of the meeting at any future time as an indication of the position of the Commission.  Consequently the Commission did not provide the clarifications sought, and hence did not assist in providing legal certainty.  It was clear from the meeting that the DG Competition has only one concern: the narrow enforcement of Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty establishing the European Union.  The ACE having pointed out the apparent contradiction between the current actions of DG Competition in the filed of professional services and other fundamental objectives of the Treaty of the European Union (notably the provisions or Article 2), the Commission officials said that they would not take account of wider concerns in the DG’s work as it is not their remit.

The Executive Board is due to debate the outcome of this meeting and to decide on the next steps that the ACE should take in relation to competition issues.

Italy – Bersani Decree – A Frontal Attack on Professional Chambers

Italy is currently experiencing a profound attack on its Professional Chambers by the government and, as a result, by public opinion and the media.  There is large discontent and anxiety among professionals, not so much for the abolition of the fee system that Italy has enjoyed, but also for the repercussions in the wider, societal, context.  This has arisen following the publication of the Bersani Decree in August 2006.  The way the decree was brought in was unprecedented insofar as it was issued and approved without the slightest consultation with any of the affected professions and apparently without the knowledge of the Minister responsible for these matters.  There has been much strong reaction to the Decree in Italy with several strikes by certain professions.  At the time of writing the situation is still not entirely clear and the professions are organising themselves to make positive proposals for a reform of the professions, thereby also hoping to thwart those elements of government that would like to see the abolition of all professional Chambers, to the predictable detriment of consumer protection and public interest.

ACE Matters

First General Coordination Meeting of the ACE

The first General Coordination meeting of the ACE under its new Statutes, a new configuration for debating issues that are ready for formal adoption at the General Assembly of the ACE, was held in Brussels on the 8th September last.  This configuration arises from the new working structure of the ACE and the meeting was Chaired by the President of the ACE.  There were over 30 delegates from the Member Organisations of the ACE present and they undertook a detailed technical debate on a number of crucial issues including Continued Professional Development, Information Exchange Systems, the transposition of the Qualifications Directive, Procurement and Competition Issues and, last but not least, urban issues in the context of the new generation of the Structural Funds.

The delegates present judged that the meeting was highly effective and there were calls for the ACE to hold at least two such meetings per year. 

International Conference in Vilnius adopts Resolution

On 22 September a Conference organised by the Association of Lithuanian Architects took place in Vilnius (Lithuania).  Representatives from the profession in neighbouring countries (Estonia, Latvia, Poland) and from the Architects’ Council of Europe attended the conference; the President of the ACE, Jean-François Susini, and the Secretary General, Alain Sagne, made presentations.  The Conference adopted a Resolution that notably points to the special role that the “New” Member States can play for the promotion of sustainable quality in the built environment in the context of the implementation of the Structural Funds (2007-2013).  It also further emphasised the need to ensure that procurement procedures, in particular in public procurement, effectively include adequate, quality-based and sustainability selection criteria, notably through the use of architectural design competitions.

On the fringes of the Conference the ACE President and Secretary General together with a delegation from the AAL had official contacts with the President of the Lithuanian Parliament, the Minister of Environment (that is primarily responsible for architecture) and the Vice-Minister of Culture.

The Resolution can be obtained at the AAL, by contacting Davia Velickaite, Executive Director by e-mail at: architectu.sajunga@takas.lt

UNSFA Congress to Concentrate on European Issues

The Union Nationale des Syndicats Français d’Architectes (UNSFA), one of the three French Member Organisations of the ACE is to hold its annual Congress in Strasbourg from the 19th to the 21st October 2006 with the theme of “Architecture, Politics and Europe”.  The UNSFA has invited persons from a high number of European organisations and Institutions to speak at the Congress and to take part in the Round Table discussions that it has planned.  The ACE will be represented at the Congress by its President, Jean-François Susini, who will give a keynote speech, and its Senior Adviser, Adrian Joyce.  The theme of the Congress will therefore be examined with a particular emphasis on European issues.  The UNSFA has also organised a forum for young architects that will run concurrently with the Congress, which will allow for inter-generational exchange within the profession.  More details of the Congress can be found at:

The ACE Responds to the European Transparency Initiative (ETI)

Earlier this year the European Commission launched a public consultation on the activities of lobbyists and their relationship to the European Institutions.  The definition of lobbyists used in the ETI is very broad and therefore includes some of the activities of the ACE, despite the fact that it is not a lobbying organisation in the commonly understood definition of the term, but a representative organisation.  For this reason the ACE responded to the consultation stating that a better definition of the various types of lobbyists is needed and that any rules of conduct that may be drawn up should take full account of these differences.

The ACE had also contributed on the same topic to a Hearing organised by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) on 11th July 2006, in the presence of Commissioner Siim Kallas, Vice-President of the Commission, during which it had e.g. expressed the view that it is more important to learn what is being lobbied on and with what results, rather than by whom.

The response of the ACE can be accessed at the following website:

The general page for the ETI is:

New Look for the Website of the CNOA(F)

The Conseil National de l’Ordre des Architectes (CNOA(F)), one of the French Member Organisations of the ACE, has recently launched a re-designed website that puts the work of French architects and of the regional orders in a prominent position on the website.  To explore the new website go to:

ACE Events and Meetings in September, October and November 2006:

Finance Committee Meeting – 29th September – Brussels
Executive Board Meeting – 29th and 30th September – Brussels
Work Group Research Meeting – 11th October – Brussels (To be confirmed)
Joint Working Party with the EAAE – 6th November – Brussels
Executive Board Meeting – 16th November – Brussels
General Assembly Meeting – 17th and 18th November – Brussels

Other Matters

9th Meeting of the Heads of Schools of Architecture – Hania, Crete

The 9th Meeting of the Heads of Schools of Architecture took place in Hania, Crete from the 2nd to the 5th September last.  There were two main elements to the meeting, the first being the 9th Meeting of the European Network of the Heads of European Schools of Architecture (ENHSA) and the second being the General Assembly of the European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE).  The ACE was represented by its Senior Adviser, Adrian Joyce and the Chair of the ACE Work Group on Education, Jean-Paul Scalabre, was also present, though in his capacity as representative of the French Architects’ Organisations.  The meeting served to further cement the good relationship that has developed between the ACE and the EAAE through the Joint Working Party and underlined, for both parties, the real value to be gained through cooperation on issues such as the recognition of qualifications.

One session of the meeting was dedicated to the expectations of the profession on the competences of graduate architects.  The material for debate in this session was sourced from the ENHSA Questionnaire on competences that was launched in July 2006.  The ACE promoted the questionnaire among its Member Organisations who, in turn promoted it among their individual architect members.  As a result over 420 completed questionnaires were received from the profession by the 20th August.  The overall results showed that the first competence that the profession expects from graduate architects is an ability for analytical and critical thinking.  It was shown that the expectations of the profession do not match those of the educators, although there is much common ground.  The interim results of the questionnaire will be published, in due course, on the website of the ENHSA.

In the meantime, the questionnaire will remain open for answers until May 2007 and the ACE encourages any Member Organisation or reader that has not yet answered this important questionnaire to do so by logging on to:

Parliament Adopts Report on Cultural and Architectural Heritage

On the 7th September last, the European parliament adopted an own initiative report by the Greek Socialist and President of the Culture and Education Committee, Nikolaos Sifunakis on protecting European cultural and architectural heritage in rural areas and on islands.  The report highlights the special difficulties that are faced in trying to protect such heritage in remote areas and notes that funding for such work is very scarce.  The report recommends measures such as systematic studies, legislation, the granting of funding for restoration of local heritage and training for heritage management and conservation experts.

The Commission commented, during the adoption, that it welcomed the interesting ideas put forward in the report and that it hoped there would be more funding available under the Culture 2007 programme for the preservation of European cultural and architectural heritage.  To download the report go to:

Secretary General Chosen for the Scientific Council of the ERC

On the 30th August last, the Scientific Council of the European Research Council (ERC) chose its future Secretary General.  This Council will, within the framework of the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development (FP7), select the exploratory projects to be financed by the Community budget.  The first Secretary General will be Ernst Ludwig Winnacker, professor of biochemistry at the University of Munich.  He will serve for the period January 2007 to July 2009.  He will then be succeeded by Andreu Mas-Colell, professor of economics at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona.  He will serve for the period August 2009 to December 2011.

Commission Adopts strategy to Boost Innovation

On the 13th September, the European Commission adopted a communication entitled “Putting knowledge into practice – a broad based innovation strategy for Europe”.  The strategy is due to be debated by the Council of Ministers on the 25th September who will make recommendations on the strategy for the attention of the informal European Council of Lahti on the 20th October next.  The Communication proposes ten actions to boost innovation that includes an action on stimulating innovation through public procurement that is intended to stimulate innovation and allow Member States to enjoy the opportunities offered by the new directives on Public Procurement.

For more information go to:

Winners of the 2006 EESC Prize for Organised Civil Society Announced

The winners of the inaugural EESC Prize for Organised Civil Society was officially awarded on the 13th September to the European Physical Society (EPS).  The second prize was shared by the European Civic Forum and a Hungarian body, the Future of Europe Association.  The Prize was created at the initiative of the outgoing President of the EESC, Mrs. Anne-Marie Sigmund, to reward and encourage either intellectual work or concrete actions on a definite theme each year.  The theme for the first award was “European identity as and essential element for European integration”.  For more on this award, go to:

Commission Takes Climate Change Awareness Campaign into Schools

As it is convinced that awareness of the problems of global warming must begin in school in order to increase the chances of the EU fighting effectively against climate change, the Commission has decided to extend its public awareness campaign on climate change to schools.  It has prepared educational material specifically aimed at schools and posted it on the website of the campaign.  The key message of the campaign is that we must act together in all possible (even very small) ways in order to combat global warming and climate change.  The website of the campaign contains a range of tools that can be used to promote awareness and is worth a visit:

New Museum of Architecture Opens in Maastricht

The NAi opened in Maastricht at the start of September and it promises to become an experimental laboratory for the new urbanism and architecture that is animating the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion.  Its strategic position close to the borders of Belgium, Germany and Luxembourg reflects its ambitions to be a truly European museum.  Its first exhibition is entitled “New Faces in European Architecture” and it will run through until the 14th January 2007.  For more information go to the website of the NAi at:

Hous-Es Seminar in Duisburg

The Urbact network, Hous-Es (urban regeneration, large housing estates), of which the ACE is an associate partner, held a seminar in Duisburg, Germany from the 11th to the 13th September last.  This was a well attended event with much interest show in the urban regeneration projects that are underway in this city located in the north of Germany.  The ACE was represented at the event by its Secretary General, Alain Sagne.  Olgierd (Roman) Dziekonski (Poland), who is a Member of the ACE Executive Board, also attended in his capacity as URBACT Expert and made a presentation, and also Antonio Borghi, Chairman of the ACE Work Group Urban Issues, who was there representing the Politecnico di Milano, who is also an associate partner.  All presentations made have been uploaded to the following site for those that would like to learn more about the network and its activities:

Unofficial Listing of EC Funded Construction Research Projects

Since the end of the E-CORE action in 2004, the European Council for Construction Research, Development and Innovation (ECCREDI) has been keeping an updated list of ongoing EU-Funded construction related Research projects on its website.  The list is a valuable document for tracking what is happening in this field and for mapping subjects for future projects.  Furthermore it is a potential source for finding potential partners with many links to project websites.  The list can be consulted at:

Energy Efficiency Action Plan

The European Commission is expected to launch an ambitious energy efficiency action plan as a follow-up to the public consultation on its Green Paper “Doing More With Less”.  According to press sources that have seen advance drafts of the plan, the Commission will build its plan on four pillars.  These are the promotion of behavioural change in society, the use of legal instruments to ensure that existing laws are fully used, financial instruments to motivate action in the field and global aspects that include trade and development policy.  The ACE Work Group on the Environment and Sustainable Architecture is awaiting the publication of the plan and it will carry out an analysis of its contents in order to advise the Executive Board of what actions the Member Organisations of the ACE can undertake in order to ensure that the profession is at the forefront of promoting energy efficiency in the construction sector.  For information on the Commission Green Paper, go to:

CONCERTO – Action Against the Consequences of Rising Energy Prices in Europe

CONCERTO was opened at an event in Brussels held from the 3rd to the 5th July and it brought together over 100 representatives from 28 local community projects that are actively demonstrating innovative integrated energy concepts.  CONCERTO is co-funded by the European Commission and is intended to help promote and achieve a more sustainable future for Europe’s energy needs at an affordable cost.  The initiative works with the cooperation and attention of market actors such as technology providers, installers, decision makers, users, politicians , businesses and citizens.  More information can be accessed at:


None to note this edition


European Forum for Architectural Policies (EFAP) – Celebrating the Everyday

To be held in Helsinki as part of the official programme of the Finnish Presidency, this EFAP event will address the beauty of the everyday environment in which we live and work and will look at methods for the procurement of quality architecture in the context of regional or city architectural policies.  A meeting of the EFAP Steering Committee will also be held on the occasion of this event as well as the first Extraordinary General Assembly of the newly formed EFAP supporting Association (AISBL under Belgian law).  Attendance is by invitation only and further information can be found on the website of the EFAP at:

Eurocities 2006 – Conference and AGM

The next Eurocities Conference and AGM will take place in Manchester (UK) from the 22nd to the 25th November.  The theme for the event will be “Knowledge Cities: Villes du Futur” and it will examine what it really means to create a “Knowledge City” and how to convert intellectual activity and creativity into economic activity that includes citizens.  Full details can be accessed at:

Universal design of Buildings – Tools and policy

To be held in Bruges, Belgium on the 16th and 17th November 2006, this conference is being organised by POLIS/BAS and will present the results of the POLIS and BAS Projects to an open audience.  For further details and registration forms, go to:

Why do Companies Care about Europe?

This event will be held in Brussels on the 17th October and is organised by UNICE.  There will be a number of high level speakers at the event and it will look at a wide range of EU Policies that affect business.  For more information go to:


The 4th European Conference on Energy Performance and Indoor Climate in Buildings will be held in conjunction wit the 27th Conference of the Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre from the 20th to the 22nd November in Lyon, France.  For full details go to the conference website at:


To be held in Brussels, Belgium from the 11th to the 14th October 2006, this European Symposium research in architecture urban and landscape design, that is sponsored e.g. by the ACE, will be dedicated to the theme “Architecture and heritage”.  Full details can be found at:

ECTP Conference 2006

The second plenary meeting of the European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP) in the research sector will be held in Versailles, France on the 21st and 22 November 2006.  The event will be an ideal occasion to assess progress made by the ECTP in the past year and to become informed of its work.  Full details can be found at:

Listing of events relating to Urban Issues

The European Urban Knowledge Network (EUKN) maintains a very good listing of events that relate to urban issues on its website, many of which are interest to architects.  It can be accessed at:

Calls for Papers

The ACE frequently receives notifications of “Calls for Papers” for conferences and seminars worldwide.  You may have written a thesis or doctorate paper that you would like to present or you may have an idea that you wish develop and to share with a wider audience – here is your chance:

Advertising the City

In connection with the UIA (International Union of Architects) Programme “Architecture and Tourism” the city of Kavala, Greece is organising a conference to be held on the 9th and 10th November 2006 on the theme of the branding of cities that assists those cities to prosper.  A call for papers has been launched with a deadline of the 15th October 2006 for abstracts and the 27th October for final papers.  In order to ensure the participation of a wide range of international experts the city of Kavala will cover travel and accommodation costs.  For further information send an e-mail to:

World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED) 2007

An invitation to submit papers on the themes for the WSED 2007 has been launched with a deadline for submission of abstracts set on the 18th October 2006.  The four themes are energy efficiency in buildings, industry and transport; renewable energy sources; pellets and “Energy Future 2030”.  for full details go to:

Entrepreneurship Support in Historical and Traditional Centres, Monuments and Buildings

In connection with the UIA (see above) Programme “Architecture and Tourism” the city of Kavala, Greece is organising a Congress on this theme to be held on the 24th and 25th November 2006.  The aim of the Congress is to highlight successfully realised projects in historical and traditional centres that emphasises how entrepreneurship can be central to success.  A call for papers with a deadline for submission of abstracts of the 27th October 2006 has been issued and in order to ensure the participation of a wide range of international experts the city of Kavala will cover travel and accommodation costs.  For further information send an e-mail to:


Valencia Del Mar

Approved by the UIA, this competition is open to architects from around the world and is an ideas competitions for the waterfront of Valencia in Spain.  Registration opens on the 1st October and ends on the 31st October.  Total prize money will be €300,000.  Full details can be found at:

Summary of current competitions:

Useful links

European Commission homepage

Search page for Commission documents

The Barroso Commission:

Website of the Finnish Presidency

European Forum for Architectural Policies

Sustainable building website

Collegi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC) international relations database:

Consiglio Nazionale degli Architetti, Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori (CNAPPC) database - ArchiEuro:

Website of the European Construction Technology Platform:

EU Impact Assessment in Practice

Consult a list of impact assessments that the EU has carried out on various legislative packages at:

Register of Expert Groups of the European Commission:

ArchiEuropa website – comparative information on practice of architecture:

Archi-Student website – a wealth of information on schools and students of architecture in Europe:

Website of the UIA Practice Commission – contains useful information on the work of the global architectural association, UIA, on practice related issues:

ACE Website:

Useful tip:

In the website addresses given in ACE Info for the documents of the EU, you will frequently see the following near the end of the address: “_en”.  These two letters define the language of the document (English in the case of “en”) and you can usually change these two letters in order to bring you to a different language version as follows:

French _fr  

German _de

Danish _da  Swedish _sv
Italian _it    Spanish _es Greek _el Dutch _nl
Portuguese _pt   Finnish _fi  Czech _cs Maltese _mt
Estonian _et  Latvian _lv   Lithuanian _lt Polish _pl
Hungarian _hu  Slovene _sl Slovak _sk  

Editor’s note

The ACE President:                                   Jean-François Susini
The ACE Vice President                           Luciano Lazzari
The Secretary General of the ACE:         Alain Sagne
Senior Advisor to the ACE:                       Adrian Joyce

ACE Info is issued on a regular basis, with about ten editions per year.  You are free to circulate the document as widely as you wish, to translate its contents for use in your publications and to refer to the information it contains once you credit the ACE as the origin.

If you wish to receive ACE Info regularly and you are not on the mailing list, you can register online at: http://www.ace-cae.org/Public/fsPublicNetwork_EN.html

If you have information that you wish to have included in the next edition then e-mail it (in English or French please) to adrian.joyce@ace-cae.org.  The deadline for submissions is the first Friday of each month.


The editorial board wishes to acknowledge the sources of information for this edition of ACE Info which include the ECCREDI, le journal de l’architecture (Belgium), the European Urban Knowledge Network, the Euractiv website (www.euractiv.com) and Bulletin Quotidien Europe.

adrian.joyce@ace-cae.org - Comments and contributions welcome

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