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ACE Info 7.05
English language version Introduction Welcome to the seventh issue in 2005 of ACE Info, the regular update from the Architects' Council of Europe that will give you, at a glance, information on current issues, highlighting emerging areas of activity and informing you of matters of interest in the field of architectural policy. This issue is also available in French. ACE Matters Teresa Taboas Appointed Minister of Housing and Land in Galicia As a result of the elections for the Autonomous Region of Galicia, held on the 19th June last, the architect Ms. Teresa Taboas Veleiro, President of the College of Architects of Galicia and representative of the Council of Architects of Spain (CSCAE) in the ACE Work Group Urban Issues, has been appointed as Minister of Housing and Land (Conselleira de Vivenda e Solo) of the Galician Government for the next 4 years. She took up her post on the 4th August 2005. ACE Attends the EAAE General Assembly and the 8th ENHSA Meeting In a significant step towards closer co-operation with the schools of architecture in Europe, the ACE was represented at the recent EAAE General Assembly and 8th Heads of Schools Meeting, both of which were held in Chania, Crete. The ACE was represented by Jean-Paul Scalabre, Chairman of the ACE Work Group on Education and by Adrian Joyce, Senior Adviser to the ACE. At the 8th Meeting of the European Network of the Heads of the Schools of Architecture (ENHSA) meeting, Jean-Paul Scalabre delivered a paper on the emerging challenges to the profile of the architect in which the issues surrounding the interface between the schools and the profession were raised. This network is supported by the Socrates Programme of the European Commission and is co-ordinated by the School of Architecture of Thessoloniki. Adrian Joyce addressed, on behalf of the Executive Board of the ACE, the General Assembly of the European Association of Architectural Education (EAAE), speaking about the importance of building a closer co-operation between the two organisations. In particular he spoke about the recently established Joint Working Party (JWP) and the two meetings that have been held to date. He reported that the JWP will be the focus of co-operative work between the two organisations. Both presentations were well received and there was unanimous support expressed by those attending the two events about the need for consolidating co-operation. Danske Ark (Previously PAR - Denmark) has a new Chief Executive Officer Christian Lerche has replaced Keld Møller at the Danish Association of Architectural Firms-(Dansk Ark) as the Chief Executive Officer of the organisation. The appointment comes after the retirement of Keld Møller and at the time when the organisation has changed its name and structures. Challenging times therefore lie ahead for the new Chief Executive Officer and the ACE wishes him well in his new role. Further information can be found at: www.par.dk FAB Celebrates its Centenary Year The Royal Federation of Architects Companies of Belgium (FAB), one of the two Belgian Members of the ACE, celebrates its 100th Anniversary this year. A formal ceremony to celebrate the centenary will be held on Thursday 27th October 2005 in one of the studios of the Flagey Building (an important architectural venue) in Brussels. The ceremony will be followed by the announcement of the Belgian Architectural Awards 2005 and the Energy Awards 2005 to which over 700 architects have been invited. The FAB is also one of the founding Members of the International Union of Architects (UIA). For further information write to: fauconnier.jeanmarie@skynet.be Olga Quintanilha, Former President of the OA (Portugal), has Died The untimely death of Olga Quintanilha, a former President of the Ordem dos Arquitectos (OA) in Portugal, has been reported to the ACE. Olga was a very active defender of the values of architecture and of the standards of the profession. In particular, she was involved, for many years, in the development and implementation of the "Architects" Directive. She will be greatly missed by her colleagues in Europe. The ACE uses this opportunity to extend its sincere condolences to her family and friends. ACE Events and Meetings in September, October and November 2005: Work Group Research (first meeting)
– 22nd September, Brussels Core Issues Follow-up Communication on Competition in Professional Services The EU Commission published, on the 5th September, its follow-up Communication (COM(2005) 405 final) on Competition in Professional Services to its earlier Communication (COM (2004) 83 of the 9th February 2004), with as a title “Professional Services - Scope for more reform”. The report states that there are complex regulations for many professional services in the EU that are hampering competition. The professions covered include architects and so the original Communication and this follow-up report are of importance for the ACE and its Member Organisations. The Follow-up Report is accompanied by a Staff Working Paper that reviews the “progress by Member States in reviewing and eliminating restrictions to Competition in the area of professional services”. The report and the working paper say that it is the countries with a structured programme of regulatory reform (Denmark, The Netherlands and the UK) that have been most successful in progressing this work. Other countries have commenced analytical work and some countries have made no progress. The report also draws a distinction between the different types of users of professional services stating that there is justification for some regulation for certain groups, particularly one-off users such as domestic clients. It proposes that no regulation is needed for large business clients and public bodies and that the situation for Small and Medium Sized businesses needs further study. It should be noted that the report again for a large part of its affirmations relies on the findings of an earlier study carried out in 2003 which was, and still is, strongly criticised for its lack of accuracy in the methodology and indeed for presenting biased conclusions. Once again, the Commission has, through a purely economical approach, failed to recognise in the new report the specific features of regulated professions, notably in respect of their societal impact. The reports can be accessed at: In a related development, two Members of the European Parliament, Giuseppe Gargani (EPP-ED,Italy) and Klaus-Heiner Lehne (EPP-ED, Germany), have invited Neelie Kroes, Competition Commissioner to come to the Parliamentary Committee to “deepen her knowledge” on the subject of the report. They have stated that the Commission’s competition services “have again misjudged the special role of liberal professions” and that consequently it is not on target to create competition for the benefit of consumers. It is not yet known if Commissioner Kroes has accepted the invitation. Commission Consultation on Action to Improve the Urban Environment in Europe The European Commission is currently running a public consultation, via the Internet, on the expected European Strategy on the Urban Environment in Europe aimed at reducing the impact that cities have on the wider environment. The consultation runs until the 21st September 2005 and you can contribute your views by logging on to: http://www.europa.eu.int/comm/environment/urban/public_consultation_2005.htm
Other Matters ECCREDI to Celebrate its 10th Anniversary The European Council for Construction Research, Development and Innovation (ECCREDI), of which the ACE is a founding and active Member, will celebrate its 10th anniversary this year. To celebrate this important event, it is currently planned that a day of conferences will be organised in Brussels on the 19th December which will be followed by a festive evening. For more information write to: myriam.olislaergers@bbri.be Pascal Lamy Announces his Four Deputy Directors-General Director-General Designate of the World
Trade Organisation (WTO), Pascal Lamy, informed the General Council of
the WTO on the 29th July last of the four people he has chosen
to be his Deputy Directors General. Mr. Lamy, who took up office
on the 1st September 2005, said that he has selected Alejandro
Jara of Chile, Valentine Rugwabiza of Rwanda, Harsha Singh of India and
Rufus Yerxa of the United States and that they will take up their offices
on the 1st October 2005. Full information on the WTO
can be found on its website at: ECIA Expected to Adopt Model Code of Conduct The European Council of Interior Architects
(ECIA) expects to adopt a Model Code of Conduct at its upcoming General
Assembly, which will be held in Malmö, Sweden from the 25th
to the 28th September. The proposal and text has been
prepared over the past year or so and was thoroughly debated by the Presidents
Meeting of the ECIA in Hannover in January 2005. The adoption of
the Code will be one plank in the work of the ECIA towards the creation
of a “common platform” for interior architects as defined in Article 15
of the recently adopted Directive on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications.
Further information o the ECIA can be found at their website: FIEC Publishes Information on Key Figures from 2004 The European Construction industry
Federation (FIEC) has published, along with its Annual Report, the key
figures on construction activity in Europe – 2004. The survey covers
22 of the EU countries This shows that the turnover of the construction
industry in 2004 reached a figure of 1,004 billion euro being 9.9% of
GDP in the EU-22, that it accounted for 28.5% of industrial employment,
7.2 % of total employment and 50.8% of gross fixed capital formation.
Furthermore the FIEC report indicates that 26% of the activity was house-building,
29% was in the non-residential sector, 20% in civil engineering works
and 25% in rehabilitation and maintenance. Further information can
be found at: European Heritage Days The European Heritage Days 2005 were
launched in Prague and Chrudim, a historical town in eastern Bohemia on
the 2nd and 3rd September. The European Commission
will, from 2005 onwards, be associated with the event, which was formally
inaugurated in 1991 by the Council of Europe (which directs the project)
in which there are 48 States party to the European Cultural Convention.
The aim if the European Heritage Days is to bring citizens closer to their
cultural heritage by allowing them to discover places which would ordinarily
be inaccessible to them over the weekends of September. This year
the event is being organised in collaboration with the Association of
Historical Settlements in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia, with support from
the city of Prague and the Czech Culture Ministry. More information
can be found at: Commission Sticks to Intention to Adopt all Seven Thematic Strategies in 2005 The European Commission held a policy
debate in late August on the thematic environmental strategies that are
foreseen in the Sixth Action Programme for the Environment, from which
it emerges that all Commissioners are in favour of implementing all of
the thematic strategies. The seven strategies concern air pollution,
the protection of marine ecosystems, the prevention and recycling of waste,
soil protection, sustainable use of natural resources, the sustainable
use of pesticides and the urban environment. The latter strategy
is of particular importance in relation to the policies being promoted
by the ACE in order to improve the quality of the living environment in
Europe, as emphasised in the ACE Policy Book “Architecture & Quality
of Life”, published in 2004. Earlier this year it seemed that the
adoption of some of the strategies would be postponed, but with unanimous
and substantial support in the College of Commissioners for environmental
policy, it now seems that all strategies will be adopted before the end
of 2005. For further information on the strategies see: EU Governments set to Defy Industry on REACH EU governments appear to be set to
reject industry demands to water down the substance of the registration
procedure in the Registration and Evaluation of Chemical Products Regulation
(REACH) currently being debated in the co-decision procedure. This
has emerged in a draft of the regulation circulated by the UK Presidency
that seeks to progress the debate towards a final text for adoption.
Among the key points in the UK text include tighter rules for substances
in articles, clear rules for “multiple registration” of substances, a
three-year deadline for the registration of all persistent, bio-accumulative
and toxic substances (PBTS) and very persistent and very bio-accumulative
substances (VPVBS) and the use of higher-risk substances would be authorised
if manufacturers show the risks can be “adequately controlled”.
To see the full UK draft text see: Correction to Public Procurement Directives A Commission proposal for a Directive
to correct a technical error in the text of the Directive 2004/18/EC on
the co-ordination of procedures for the award of public works contracts,
public supply contracts and public service contracts has been tabled and
is currently being considered in the co-decision procedure. The
error relates to how the applicable thresholds that apply to the procedures
are calculated and to how they relate to the way in which adjustments
are made to ensure co-ordination with the WTO Agreement on Government
Procurement. Unless the error is corrected the thresholds will,
in the event of a revision, be significantly lower instead of remaining
identical. It is expected that the Directive will be adopted without
any difficulty. To see the Commission proposal go to: New URBACT Network to be set up The URBACT Monitoring Committee has
agreed to allow the city of Poznan (Poland) to create a new URBACT Thematic
Network under the topic of “Management and Renewal of Large Housing
Estates – Public Space and Quality in Architecture”. This new
Network will gather cities from the EU to work on the restructuring and
management of large housing estates with an emphasis on quality of their
architecture. It is expected that at least 10 cities will join the
Network, from medium-sized and large-sized Cities from “new” as well as
from “old” Member States, and that its outputs will be of benefit to many
regions of the EU. The ACE intends to join the Network as an Associate
Partner and will work to ensure adequate consideration of the architectural
aspects that the topic raises. Further information on URBACT can
be found at: John Prescott hopes to Integrate Urban Dimension in Regional Policy In the context of preparations for the meeting of European Ministers responsible for spatial planning to be held on the 6th and 7th December in Bristol (under the UK Presidency), the Intergroup on Urban and Housing Issues chaired by the MEP Jean-Marie Beaupuy (ALDE, France) heard the UK Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott on Tuesday 6th September 2005 in Brussels. Mr. Prescott, considering that it is “high time” that an interest is taken in the urban dimension of regional policy, stressed the negotiation on the financial perspectives will allow an evaluation to be made on what is needed at European level when it comes to urban policy. He said that there is no one answer to all national problems but that, in his opinion, joint financial instruments are more flexible in meeting problems and it is therefore up to each and every one to be quite clear about how the EU money is used. In reply Jean-Marie Beaupuy stated that the goals of the Lisbon strategy will not be achieved without towns and cities. European Training in Architectural Restoration The Institut Superieur d’Architecture
Saint-Luc de Wallonie, with funding from the European Community in
the framework of the Socrates Programme has, since 2001, been organising
specialised training courses in the restoration of architectural heritage.
The course, run in French, combines the specialised skills of several
European Universities and runs over two-years. Its structure is
designed to match the needs of the practicing architect and is on a part-time
basis. For further information and enrolments, contact annie.boutefeu@saintluc.com
or visit the website at: Publications Durability of Engineering Structures: Design, Repair and Maintenance This 280-page report has been published
by Research and Markets Ltd. sets out to explain the reasons why structures
often deteriorate prematurely because of poor design, how to design structures
effectively for service life, consider durability characteristics of standard
and high performance construction materials and to present case studies.
The book is priced at 165 euro and can be ordered online at: Events International Exhibitions and Trade Fairs On Saturday 22nd October
2005, the Art Nouveau Network will be organising the first of six Historical
Laboratories on the topic of “Art Nouveau and Society”. This
first event will be taking place in Brussels at the CIVA and will explore
the influence that International Exhibitions and Fairs have had on society.
The full programme and registration con be accessed at the following address: Conservare 2005 The Flemish town of Kortrijk (Courtrai)
will host, from the 7th to the 10th October 2005,
this years annual event of the European Heritage Forum. Its aim
is to promote contacts and co-operation between heritage organisations
and institutions throughout Europe. The event will be built around
a number of simultaneous events including a trade fair, exhibitions, conferences,
a book fair, an audio-visual forum and site visits. Further details
can be found at: Architecture Research Futures Organised by the Scottish Matrix for
Architecture Research and Knowledge (ScotMARK), this conference will take
place in Edinburgh from on the 15th and 16th December
2005. The conference will address subjects such as conceptual models
for architectural research, trends and problems in research, architecture
research typologies, agenda setting and the way forward. Full details
can be found at: The A’Days 2005 The second international meeting of architects will take place in Poznan, Poland on the 23rd and 24th of September. Following on the success of the first A’Days event in 2004, the organising committee have decided to make this an annual event. This year will focus on the theme “Return to the River” and will feature, among a number of themed sessions, a keynote lecture by Zaha Hadid. Full information can be sought by writing to wielkopolska@izbaarchitektow.pl The language of the conference will be English. Calls for Papers The ACE frequently receives notifications of “Calls for Papers” for conferences and seminars worldwide. You may have written a thesis or doctorate paper that you would like to present or you may have an idea that you wish develop and to share with a wider audience – here is your chance: World Sustainable Energy Days 2006 This conference will be held in Wels,
Austria from the 1st to the 3rd of March 2006 and
is advertised as the largest annual conference in the field of sustainable
energy use in Europe. It offers a combination of events that cover
much of the current thinking in the production and delivery of sustainable
energy. The call for papers on three themes is currently open and
one theme of pertinence to architects is “energy Efficiency in Buildings,
Industry and Transport”. If you wish to have further information
visit http://www.wsed.at
The deadline for submission is the 20th October 2005. Competitions International competition of Estonian National Museum With a first prize of about 45 000
EUR, this architectural competition, open to Living Steel – International Competition for Sustainable Housing This is an international competition,
by invitation, in one stage, following a pre-selection, open to architects
and teams of architects worldwide. Those wishing to be included
in the short list must submit their expressions of interest before the
1st December 2005. The organisers will select up to 20
competitors (up to 10 per site) who will be invited to take part in this
project competition. Each selected team will receive an honorarium
of 10,000 euro and the winning projects (one per site) will be awarded
50,000 euro. The jury includes Jaime Lerner (Brazil), Glenn Murcutt
(Australia), Charles Correa (India) and Andrew Orgorzalek (Poland).
Full information at: Miami+Beach Bienal 2005 The Miami+Beach Bienal 2005 and the
Miami Chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) have invited
professionals to participate in its different categories with built works
from the last five years. The deadline for registration is the 26th
September 2005 with submissions due by the 26th October 2005.
Full information can be found at: Housing Design Competition – Scalaheen, Tipperary, Ireland The town of Tipperary in Ireland has
announced an international design competition in one stage for the design
of 3,4 & 5 bedroom houses on lands of about 12 hectares. The
competition is being administered by the RIAI – a Member of the ACE.
The first prize will be 10,000 euro and the registration opens on the
23rd September 2005. Further information can be found
at: European Urban and Regional Planning Awards 2006 The European Council of Town Planners
(ECTP) has invited entries for the 2006 awards. Full details on
how to enter can be found at: Optimised Housing – A Call for Innovative Approaches to Housing (CQFD) The French Ministry of Employment,
Social Cohesion and Housing has launched a call for innovative, efficient,
speedy, sustainable and economic approaches to housing that can be used
to achieve the urgent needs faced in France in the Social Housing sector.
Expressions of interest must be submitted before the 31st October
2005 and teams must be in a position to commence experimental work to
test and/or demonstrate their ideas in January 2006. Full details
can be found at: "Architecture et Hôpitaux" Congress This Congress will be held in Brussels on the 16th and 17th March 2006 and will address the following themes: - Hospitals, light and chlorophyll A poster session will be organised
that will permit participants to exhibit their works. The size of
the posters must be no more than 120cm x 80cm. If you are interested
in either presenting a poster or a paper for this Congress, then please
Useful links European Commission homepage Search page for Commission documents The Barroso Commission: Website of the UK Presidency Website of the Luxembourg Presidency European Forum for Architectural Policies Sustainable building website COAC international relations database: CNAPPC database - ArchiEurope: Website of the European Construction
Technology Platform: EU Impact Assessment in Practice ACE Website Useful tip: In the website addresses given in ACE Info for the documents of the EU, you will frequently see the following near the end of the address: “_en”. These two letters define the language of the document (English in the case of “en”) and you can usually change these two letters in order to bring you to a different language version as follows:
Editor’s note The editorial board for the compilation of ACE Info is: The ACE President: Marie-Helene Lucas The Secretary General of the ACE: Alain Sagne Senior Advisor to the ACE: Adrian Joyce ACE Info is normally issued around the second Wednesday of each month. You are free to circulate the document as widely as you wish, to translate its contents for use in your publications and to refer to the information it contains once you credit the ACE as the origin. If you wish to receive ACE Info regularly and you are not on the mailing list, you can register online at: http://www.ace-cae.org/Public/fsPublicNetwork_EN.html If you have information that you wish to have included in the next issue then e-mail it (in English or French please) to adrian.joyce@ace-cae.org Deadline for submissions is the first Friday of each month. Acknowledgements The editorial board wishes to acknowledge the sources of information for this issue of ACE Info which include the UIA, Jean-Marie Fauconnier, the European Services Forum, the ECIA, FIEC, the CEPMC, the Euractiv website (www.euractiv.com) and Bulletin Quotidien Europe. adrian.joyce@ace-cae.org - Comments and contributions welcome